The Physical Angle

Regular exercise and yoga practice are important for maintaining good health.



27 March 2023 / Yoga Discover the Best Time of Day for Your Yoga Practice

The traditional view is that yoga should be practiced first thing in the morning, ideally as the sun rises and before breakfast. There are some real advantages to this.

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26 March 2023 / Exercise,Yoga,Fitness,Wellness Benefits of Exercise on Mental Health

Exercise is a natural part of life. It connects us not only to our bodies but also to the world around us. In modern American culture, though, it’s becoming more...

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25 March 2023 / Exercise,Cardio Cardio Exercise: Good for More Than Your Heart

You probably already know that cardio, or "aerobic," exercise -- the kind that gets your heart pumping -- is good for your ticker. It lowers your resting pulse and strengthens your heart muscle.

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